About Us

Fayette Classical Academy (FCA) is a tuition-free public charter school located in Fayetteville, GA. It will open for grades K-6 and continue to add a grade each year until reaching a full K-12 configuration.

Families who reside in Fayette, Clayton, Coweta, Henry, Fulton, and Spalding counties and the City of Atlanta are eligible to apply for enrollment. No entrance testing is required.

FCA offers families many advantages in education, including:

  • High-quality, tuition-free education

  • Rigorous liberal arts curriculum

  • Emphasis on virtue and character education

  • Calm and professional learning environment

  • Low-tech classrooms; no cell phones during the school day

  • Well-supported teachers who lead knowledge-centered classrooms

  • Small school environment where every student can be seen and known

  • A K-12 school experience beginning in 2031

  • High-quality athletics and fine arts programs that will continue to grow as students advance

What is Classical Education?

Classical education attends to a young person’s heart and mind by leading them toward moral and intellectual virtue. It offers students the accumulated wisdom of the “best which has been thought and said,” and liberates them to learn what is true, do what is good, and love what is beautiful. By teaching students to cultivate virtue, classical education leads them toward lives of freedom and moral responsibility. Students learn to govern themselves and acknowledge their duty to their families, their city, and their country.  

Academically, a classical education encompasses:

  • A curriculum that is content-rich, balanced, and inter-connected across the four core disciplines of math, science, literature, and history 

  • Explicit instruction in phonics and grammar 

  • An approach to instruction that acknowledges objective standards of correctness, logic, beauty, weightiness, and truth

  • A well-educated and articulate faculty who care deeply for their students and teach through excellent questions 

  • A school culture of moral virtue, decorum, respect, discipline, and studiousness among both students and faculty

  • A three-phased conception of the trajectory of an education – known traditionally at the trivium – that consists of a progression from grammar through logic to rhetoric within each subject

  • A study of order in the natural world built fundamentally upon the four sciences of the quadrivium: arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music

  • A belief that math and sciences are more than job preparation and give students a language for understanding the order of the universe

  • A love of great books and a belief that stories and conversations about them change us as human beings

  • An ultimate aim of preparing students for lives of human flourishing

What is a charter school?

A charter school is a tuition-free, non-selective, independently run public school granted greater flexibility in its operations in return for greater accountability for performance. They have the freedom to use their own curriculum and teaching methods, manage their own finances, hire their own teachers, set their own calendar, etc. In exchange for this flexibility, charter schools must demonstrate performance in the areas of academic achievement, financial management, and organizational stability. These metrics are outlined in the “charter,” which is essentially a contract between the leadership of the school and the authorizer– usually a nonprofit organization, government agency, or university. In addition, charter schools operate with fewer dollars per student, and state charter schools like Fayette Classical do not receive funding through local tax-revenue.

Our Mission

The Mission of Fayette Classical Academy is to develop students in mind and character through a classical, content-rich curriculum that emphasizes the principles of virtuous living, traditional learning, and civic responsibility.

Our Virtues

Courage, Courtesy, Honesty, Humility, Perseverance, Self-Government, and Service

Our Pledge

I will learn the true. I will do the good. I will love the beautiful.

Our Partners

Liberty Classical Schools

Fayette Classical Academy is a partner school in the Liberty Classical Schools network. Liberty exists to launch and support K-12 classical schools. Their team of experienced founders and operators of classical schools helps communities to start K-12 classical charter schools by determining feasibility, considering public demand and political climate, guiding outreach efforts, supporting site selection and facilities efforts, and more. Liberty also works with future school leaders, training them in current Liberty schools and preparing them as new schools launch, as a part of our Leadership Fellowship Program. Once a school is launched, Liberty provides guidance and support in a number of areas, including data and administration, human resources, operations, and advancement.

Charter School Growth Fund

Outside of the government, CSGF is the largest funder of charter schools in the nation. The largest individual and institutional philanthropists make their investments in school choice via CSGF, trusting in their time-tested vetting process and their well-developed systems of support. This partnership will provide funding for our next three schools and is recognition that Liberty schools are among the highest-performing charter school networks in the country.